On October 6th, 2022, Hope Village celebrated the public launch of their Welcome Home Campaign where they hosted 250 in person attendees and 450 watching virtually. Hope Village and Crescendo Fundraising were thrilled to announce that $1.5M of the total goal has already been raised!
On the night of the event, another $135,000 in cash pledges was also given! A donor challenge was announced at the event with the goal of securing $275,000 in cash pledges from community members and organizations.
If you're interested in supporting this great cause, you can head to the website at hopevillagechippewafalls.org and click the "Pledge Today!" link!
Dick Hebert was interviewed live from the event by WQOW and you can watch that segment at the link below!
You can also read the Post Launch News Release to find out more about the Donor Challenge!
Photo credit: WQOW
Crescendo Fundraising is delighted with the generous fundraising to date and excited about the momentum that the Donor Challenge brings!