We know when you’re planning a fundraising event you want to feel confident in your approach and plan, but you’re overwhelmed by the endless possibilities of event planning structure, program, budget, etc.
The good news is fundraising events don’t have to be expensive or complicated.
We also understand that it can be scary to try new things. We’re here to help! We have a time-tested strategy that includes a week-by-week schedule of events to guide you in planning an exciting event that leaves attendees wanting more!
But how do you get started?
Learn about the toolkit or ask questions
Get buy in from your leadership or team
Purchase the toolkit
Follow the schedule, don’t skip steps
Meet your goal!
The great news is if you follow our process, you will likely double your event goal and feel ecstatic about the prospects you engaged, the donors you reached, and the exponential growth of your organization through hundreds of people attending your event.
In the end, you will feel grateful that you were able to effectively spend your organization's dollars in an efficient and effective way and you will feel confident and focused on the right things and the right time.
You will be on a new path to consistent success in your fundraising event goals and you will be able to continue building on this success year after year!
In the process of launching our toolkit, we learned a lot, so we’ve made some adjustments. One of the adjustments we made is lowering the price. We do want this toolkit to be accessible for all, that’s why we’ve lowered the price to $899.
We hope you’ll take advantage of this change, because we want everyone to experience what it feels like to meet and exceed their fundraising event goals!
If you have questions about fundraising, we’re more than happy to speak with you. Email Brianna at brianna@crescendollp.com.