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Phase II: Pre-Campaign Planning

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

Our last blog shared details of Phase I, the Campaign Readiness Study. After the interest, leadership and financial support has been found to exist to reach the campaign goal, which as a reminder was researched during the Campaign Readiness Study, the pre-campaign planning begins.

Following the study, the next step involves completing a contract between Crescendo Fundraising Professionals, LLC and the client to provide campaign management to reach the goal identified which is attainable in the study’s research. Once the contract is approved between both parties, the next step is to help organize, recruit and engage community members and volunteer stakeholders. Crescendo will assist you with this step too.

To ensure the adequate time is slated for a campaign and in order to set proper expectations for all parties involved, be sure to review the timing for establishing a capital campaign. Although timing is unique based on each situation, here is an estimate on the campaign process:

PHASE I Campaign Readiness Study Research 16-20 weeks

PHASE II Implement pre-campaign planning Coordinate 5-6 months

PHASE III Manage campaign to meet goal Cultivate/Solicit 6-8 months

Planning the pre-campaign campaign strategy typically involves four to five campaign pre-committees which sets the foundation for the campaign with each requiring time commitments from one month to four months.

Pre-Campaign Steering Committee

This committee directs all activities of the campaign. The committee is composed of 16 to 20 area leaders who will be instrumental in developing and managing the foundation for a successful capital campaign. The committee helps assure the success of the campaign by overseeing and giving direction to the work of the Case Statement and Communications Committees and provide input for the prospect development portion of the campaign. One-hour meetings are held every other week over approximately six to eight months. Steering Committee members may eventually solicit three to five potential donors with another team member.

Leadership Development Committee

The Leadership Development Committee is composed of eight to ten individuals who have a commitment to the community and who are interested in the benefits of the project for area residents. These individuals will be knowledgeable about the business, philanthropic and social relationships which exists within the community. The committee ensures the success of the campaign by identifying and recruiting the topmost echelon of campaign volunteer leadership. This committee meets for two to three meetings; meetings will last one hour.

Case Statement Committee

The Case Statement Committee requires the assistance of individuals who are knowledgeable about the area and mission of the organization. This group ensures the success of the campaign by providing input for consultants to develop a strong and compelling campaign rationale and FAQ, as well as answer key questions regarding the campaign and fundraising plan. This committee helps later test case statement in small groups throughout the area. This group of 16 to 20 members meets every other week for approximately 8 meetings; meetings last one hour.

Communications Committee

This committee enlists 12 to 16 community members who are knowledgeable about branding, communications, marketing and media. They enhance the effectiveness of the campaign by helping provide input for the promotional elements, assisting in raising community awareness of the project, providing information to the area about the project and helping coordinate a large Launch event. This committee will meet every other week for 8 to 10 months; meetings will last one hour.

Prospect Development

This committee enlists 4 to 6 community members who are knowledgeable about the region. The group reviews the client’s donor list on who may become future donors interested in supporting the campaign. The committee will help match potential solicitors with donors where able. This committee meets for approximately four to five meetings; meetings last one hour.

Committees will also work to prepare financial information to show construction details and costs, future operations increases and stewardship of funds to give assurance of the use of contributions.

Coordinating the exciting communications plan will share the message of the project and benefits of the campaign. Such promotional elements help ensure cultivation tools are well developed. Solicitation training and solicitation techniques for potential donors and solicitors is then completed.

Foundation, corporate, state and federal grants are researched and completed given the project meets the grant criteria. Marketing communications platforms and on-line fundraising help support a thorough and effective campaign, ensuring every audience is met from in person to online channels.

Interested in learning more or simply having an exploratory conversation, we understand this is a lot of information to digest. Crescendo is here to help. Give us a call or send us an email at! We can’t wait to hear from you!

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