Like many industries, there are principles that drive the ability to reach capital campaign goals in an effective and consistent manner.
Did you know the process for effective campaign management is the same regardless of goal amount? A well- managed process with excellent cultivation strategies will find success at any amount. So, what are some common maxims in Capital Campaign management?
Pre-Campaign Study The opportunity to secure the major gifts, leadership and volunteers necessary to reach a goal is available in any community if a thorough, strategic pre-campaign cultivation process is followed. A well executed and thorough Campaign Readiness Study will determine the general goal range that is possible, potential volunteer leaders, other key volunteers, and the favorable and challenging circumstances, which must be addressed either before or during the campaign. Most importantly, the completion of this step will bring about an organized and accurate campaign strategy or roadmap complete with the volunteer committees that are necessary plus an achievable gift pyramid.
Gift Table When arriving at the needed pledges in relation to a campaign goal, the campaign gift table is a very important element. It is used to determine the levels of gifts required.
Donor Focus In any campaign, regardless of amount, 12 to 16 donors typically comprise approximately 70 percent of the goal. Moreover, typically 120 donors are needed to complete any goal -- regardless of the goal amount of any campaign -- if the financial structure has been carefully researched, cultivated, supported and solicited during the final campaign stage..
As we know in fundraising -- it is all about relationships. The relationships that begin in the pre-campaign study process continue to grow into beautiful relationships for your important organizational mission that begin in the campaign but will last well past the campaign.
Are you interested in learning more about other maxims of fundraising? Let us know! We’re always eager to share. Contact us for a free consulting visit to discuss your unique fundraising opportunities at